ASIFA-Hollywood: The International Animated Film Society
ASIFA-Hollywood is the Los Angeles chapter of The International Animated Film Society. We are a 501(c)(3) California non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the art of animation. We sponsor screenings and seminars; host the Annie Awards- animation's highest honor; preserve films in danger of being lost to time, support animation education and journalism; and maintain an archive, library and museum of animation in Burbank, CA. Join ASIFA-Hollywood and be a part of it all!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Educator's Forum
The ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Educators' Forum is dedicated to bringing together Southern California animation education professionals for the advancement of the quality of animation education.
DEFINING THE CORE SKILL SET: Even the accreditation bodies that are judging animation programs do not have a list of skills that should be taught to animation students. Programs going through accreditation have to prove their case by matching skill sets from a mixture of other semi-related programs. It would be of great service to compile a list of what is being taught at all of the animation programs in the area and have that available to all.
SYLLABUS AND TEACHING OUTCOMES: Plans are underway to create a database with lists of student teaching outcome statements that could serve as building blocks for writing syllabi.
INSTRUCTOR DATABASE: It would be a great service to animation educators and animation programs alike to have an online listing of animation teachers' profiles.
STUDENT ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL: Almost all programs demand that students create a short animation as a requirement for graduation. The timing is such that very few of the deadlines for established animation festivals match up with the academic school year. A student animation festival under the umbrella of ASIFA-Hollywood taking place on college campuses would give an affordable venue and could be the precursor to a possible recognition of student work at the annual Annie Awards.
ROTATING TRAINING SEMINARS: Coordination is beginning for a lecture series by teachers and for teachers to travel to different area campuses throughout the year.
ROTATING CLASS LECTURE SERIES: Every school sponsors lectures by industry professionals who come to campus to speak about their career. Encouraging attendance between various programs, we could increase exposure to these events and promote networking between students from different programs.
ACTING FOR ANIMATORS: The goal is to build a list of resources and contacts in the acting community to help with the development of improv games and techniques that apply to the creation of an animation performance.
COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK: Business law is often overlooked in art programs. The intent is to gather resources and build a knowledge base for artists regarding intellectual property rights.
PRODUCTION SKILLS: The actuarial process of creating animation needs to be taught. Schedules and budgets are the nuts and bolts of the production process, and students need to have the organizational skills needed to track and plan their projects.
September 20th, 2008
ASIFA-Hollywood Student Animation Festival Judging Breakfast
(venue to be determined)
October 18th, 2008
ASIFA-Hollywood Student Animation Festival
Admission FREE to the animation community
Woodbury University
School of Business / Fletcher Jones Foundation Theater
7500 Glenoaks Bl
Burbank, CA 91510
(Click for printable map)
Festival Schedule:
Portfolio Review: 10am to 4pm
Treasures of the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Screening: 10am to 12 noon
Screening of Student Festival Films: 1pm to 2pm
State of the Animation Industry Panel: 2pm to 3pm
Breaking Into Animation Panel: 3pm to 4pm
Screening of Student Films: 4pm to 5pm
Meet the Filmmakers Party: 5pm to 6pm
Awards Ceremony and Screening: 6pm to 7:30pm
ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Educators' Forum Yahoo Group
Labels: AEF, festival, screening, seminar, students
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